From The Community: "The Bells" film

a short film directed by Josiah Paul 

From The Community: "The Bells" film - Goorin Bros.

We are so thrilled to include Josiah Paul's latest fashion film project entitled "The Bells," with a Goorin Bros hat feature. I was lucky enough to get an insider brief on Josiah's creative vision for this project and what it means to him. See his excerpt and film below:


"Every project I do has some hidden meaning behind it. 'The Bells' is no different. I love telling stories, The Bells' is a direct, uncensored reminder to myself and anyone who watches about the impermanence of life. I wanted to tell that story in a real any moment in time, for any one of us, our hourglass can release its last grain of sand. And with the foresight of this understanding, comes a freedom. A freedom to actually live life fully, and unapologetically.

The other message that I wanted to convey, which is symbolized by the briefcase, is that we all have something to leave behind. All of us. If you are a painter, you leave behind beautiful paintings. If you are a songwriter, you leave behind music. If you are an author, you leave behind volumes. If you are a photographer, you leave behind the world as seen through your eyes. We all have an irreplaceable gift that we can't take with us...our gifts that we leave behind will be infinitely valuable to those that care about us in this life.

I thought it would be meaningful to incorporate Goorin Bros. hats because a hat, especially a hat of quality, is something that is often gifted to the next generation in a family. Just like a poem or painting, a nice hat, if taken care of, can be passed down to your children or your children's children, just as meaningfully. And what better way to symbolize that, than to hang your hat gracefully among your gifts of art, on the way out. We all have gifts and talents that we are blessed with. Mine are in the form of acting and filmmaking, and when that time comes, hopefully long down the road, I'll hang my hat gracefully next to a stack of my best work."

Credits: "The Bells" - Fashion Film:   Production Company: @Kyngdom.Pictures // Director/Editor: @Kyng_Josiah // Cinematography: @Matthias.Sarrell // Stylist: @AtownsFinest // Agency: @Miles_Models 

Cast: @Carson_Vines_ //  @Erik_Peter_son //  @Franck_Mille //  @HeartofRuss //  @Jerome_Beazer //  @Kyng_Josiah //  @AtownsFinest //  @Whitaker_Conrad //  Akeem Williams

Music: Roy Zakai // Michael Sobel

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