Inside the Crown: June Episode: Who Wants To Be A Milliner?

 A new corner of the Goorin-Verse with your hosts, Sarah and Alex!

Inside the Crown: June Episode: Who Wants To Be A Milliner?

Welcome back to our monthly zoom episode of Inside the Crown, where Alex of our Virtual Styling Program joins me, Sarah, of The 1895 Journal, as we dive into topics surrounding the hat life.

This one was a fun one y'all. Alex and I decided it was about time to get our audience (YOU GUYS) to feel more involved in the episode (and it was our most sign ups and longest episode yet!) With the help of our digital team members, we decided to try to host a Goorin Bros. game show, and we coined it: 'Who Wants To Be A Milliner?!' (see what we did there?) Y'all should have seen me and Alex trying to come up with engaging hat questions that may stump you guys, but also some fun no-brainers! This episode we ended up with two rounds on Kahoot! with multiple choice and some true/false with a combo of almost 50 questions about the hat life! We *attempted* to have all questions fall into three categories: Hat History, Pop Culture, and Goorin Culture/History. My personal favorite question was "How much did Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom hat sell for at auction in 2021?" The answer? $300K!

We certainly had a blast having so many of our community front and center to interact and play some trivia to win our favorite Farm products. Fingers crossed we get another chance to host another game show in the latter half of 2022!  

Don't miss next month's episode via zoom - sign up for the 'Inside the Crown' appointment option here / Check out all of our past Inside the Crown episodes on our YouTube channel here / Instragram: @goorinbros / TikTok: @officialgoorinbros

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