Boots & Hats: The Bookends Theory

Boots & Hats: The Bookends Theory

“What do I wear this with?” It’s a question we get in the hat shop often, and with good reason. The Fedora, if you’re new to it, can feel like bringing a stranger over to dinner that has no relation to your family and asking them to all get along. You start to question everything hanging in your closet.

But fear not! There is one, simple trick that I can pass on that will help you make a quick, easy decision about what to wear your Goorin Fedora with. You ready?

Match your hat to your boots. The bookends, as I like to call them. If you match these, then you don’t have to worry so much about what you’re wearing in between and become too obsessed with whether your hat ‘works’ with your outfit. The best style is always 100% the style that looks the most natural and nonchalant like you just threw it on rather than fidgeting in front of a mirror for an hour.1. You can match by color of course, and by match, I mean to be within a shade or so of your boots. If you have brown boots, your hat doesn’t have to be the exact same shade. If it’s a little darker or a little lighter, that’s fine.

2. I also consider the style or texture of the boots as well. For example, my dress boots feel totally different than my work boots in the context of an outfit. I might pick a more refined or muted hat color for these boots than say, my workwear slanted Red Wings.Once you’ve decided to stick with the bookends, you’re free to wear whatever in the middle you want. Now go get to LIVING!


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