From The Community: Pride Looks Good On You

Hats in the LGBTQIA+ community

From The Community: Pride Looks Good On You - Goorin Bros.

We asked our friends in the LGBTQIA+ community: How does wearing a hat help you to express who you are and your gender identity?

"Hats are an extension of my creativity and boldness" - LP /// "They help to activate my sexy, my cool, and create a perfect mix of who I am and how I present myself to the world" - OnRaé /// "I feel more like a gentleman and a stronger representation of my queer, fabulous, awesome self-- its a crown, and that's what makes me feel prideful." - Maurice

"To me wearing a hat has always been like wearing an invisible cloak." / "It just makes me feel like I can be in any decade, in any era - and we're old souls in a modern world - hats are essential for us." - Sarah + Natalie

"I've never been one to adhere to what I'm supposed to will always be femme when its on me" - Chave /// "I don't leave the house without one, honestly I don't even sit at home without a hat on. For me they help me feel like me." - Bobby /// "Fun fact: Hats are genderless which means all genders look good in a should wear one too." - Gretchen



Thank you to our friends for participating in our 'Pride Looks Good On You' campaign: LP, Chave, Bobby, Gretchen, OnRaé, Maurice, Sarah + Natalie

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