Hats for Halloween – Goorin Bros.

Hats for Halloween

spooky season needs hats

Hats for Halloween

Good ol' Halloween. The best part of finding the perfect costume is thinking "okay, will people KNOW that I'm dressed up as _____?" And the better question is, "how do I make sure they recognize that I'm trying to be ____. "

If you saw our recent post Hats in Movies, you'll know that we said it point blank: Hats are Icons. Hats are often the character's defining characteristic right? Indiana Jones and his brown hat for example (which we totally made and called it Henry Jones and Doctor Jones respectively) The nod to the bowler style hat in A Clockwork Orange is another iconic style choice and characteristic. So basically what we're saying is the hat can be the most recognizable part of portraying a character. Hats, accessory or essential? We chose essential. 

Here are some of our favorite Halloween characters who are known and loved by their hats!Indiana Jones, Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory, Peaky BlindersA Clockwork Orange, Nightmare on Elm Street, Beetlejuice

The Godfather, Blues Brothers, The Mask, V For Vendetta, Rocketman 
Troop Beverly Hills, Marie Antionette, and Clueless


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